Subtropical Plant Sci. J. 61:1-5.
Analysis of Genetic Relationships Between Potato
(Bactericera cockerelli) Populations in the United States, Mexico and Guatemala Using ITS2 and Inter Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR) Data
Brian C. Jackson, John Goolsby, Alexandra Wyzykowski, Natalie Vitovksy, and Blake Bextine
Subtropical Plant Sci. J. 61:6-14.
Interpretation of Watermark Sensor Readings in Specific Soil Types
Xavier E. Périès and Juan M. Enciso
Subtropical Plant Sci. J. 61:15-23.
Spectral Reflectance and Digital Image Relations Among Five Aquatic Weeds
James H. Everitt, K. Rodney Summy, and Chenghai Yang
Subtropical Plant Sci. J. 61:24-30.
Evaluating Pure Africanized Honey Bees and Hybrid Crosses for Colony Health and Resistance to Varroa Mites in a Subtropical Climate
J. Adamczyk, Jr., Patti Elzen1 and R. Cox
Subtropical Plant Sci. J. 61:31-36.
Results of a Preliminary Survey in Cameroon, Central Africa, for Potential Natural Enemies of Guineagrass, Panicum maximum
Guy Mercadier, John A. Goolsby, Walker A. Jones1 and Joseph Lebel Tamesse
Subtropical Plant Sci. J. 61:37-48.
Free Amino Acid Profiles in Reproductive and Rind Portions of Cotton Fruiting Bodies
Allan T. Showler