Subtropical Plant Sci. J. 55:1-6.
Salinity and Nitrogen Level Can Affect the Agronomic Performance and Leaf Color and Mineral Nutrients of Vegetable Amaranth
D.J. Makus
Subtropical Plant Sci. J. 55:7-10.
Zeolite as a soil amendment for vegetable production in the Lower Rio Grande Valley
Bob Wiedenfeld
Subtropical Plant Sci. J. 55:11-17.
Genetic transformation of Zoysia japonica using Agrobacterium tumefaciens
S.M. Lutfor Rahman, Wayne A Mackay, Masumi Ebina, Nakagawa Hitoshi and Bruno Quebedeaux
Subtropical Plant Sci. J. 55:18-21.
Response of Field-Collected Strains of Tobacco Budworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) to Permethrin in Lower Rio Grande Valley, TX, USA and Across Mexico
J.L. Martinez-Carrillo and D.A. Wolfenbarger
Subtropical Plant Sci. J. 55:22-26.
Response of Field-Collected Strains of Tobacco Budworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) to Methyl Parathion in the Lower Rio Grande Valley, Texas, USA and Northeastern, North Central and Northwestern Mexico
J.L. Martinez-Carrillo and D.A. Wolfenbarger
Subtropical Plant Sci. J. 55:27-31.
Response of Four Melon Varieties to Silverleaf Whitefly (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) under Laboratory and Field Conditions
Tong-Xian Liu
Subtropical Plant Sci. J. 55:32-39.
Effects of Conventional vs Conservation Tillage Systems on Population Dynamics of Boll Weevil (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in Dryland Cotton
S.M. Greenberg, J.R. Smart, J.M. Bradford, T.W. Sappington, J.W. Norman and R.J. Coleman
Subtropical Plant Sci. J. 55:40-45.
Residual toxicities of pesticides to the predaceous mite Galendromus helveolus (Aceri: Phytoseiidae) on Texas citrus
Tian-Ye Chen, J. Victor French, Tong-Xian Liu, and John V. DaGraca
Subtropical Plant Sci. J. 55 46-50.
An avirulent Geotrichum candidum isolate controls green mold on citrus fruit, caused by Penicillium diditatum.
C.G. Eayre, M. Skaria, C.T. Bull & B. Mackey
Subtropical Plant Sci. J. 55:51-58.
Detecting stress in glasshouse plants using color infrared imagry: a potential new application for remote sensing
K.R. Summy, C.R. Little, J.H. Everitt, M.R. Davis, J.V. French & A.W. Scott, Jr.
Subtropical Plant Sci. J. 55:59-67.
An overview of aircraft remote sensing in integrated pest management
J.H. Everitt, K.R. Summy, D.E. Escobar & M.R. Davis
Subtropical Plant Sci. J. 55:68-71.
Need for Improved Detection of Ratoon Stunting Disease in South Texas
Andreas Westphal and T. Erik Mirkov
Subtropical Plant Sci. J. 55:72-74.
Cissus sicyoides C. Linnaeus (Vitaceae), a potential exotic pest in the Lower Rio Grande Valley, Texas
J. Victor French, Robert I. Lonard, and James H. Everitt
Subtropical Plant Sci. J. 55:75-78.
Effect of packing on rot and fruit damage in Rio Red Grapefruit
C.G. Eayre, M. Skaria and B. Mackey