Subtropical Plant Sci. J. 56:1-4.
Developing a Sequence Characterized Amplified Region (SCAR) Marker Linked to the Single Recessive Male-Sterile ms-3 Gene in Melin
Soon O. Park and Kevin M. Crosby
Subtropical Plant Sci. J. 56:5-9.
Confirmation and Survey of RAPD and SCAR Markers for the Male-Sterile ms-3 Gene in Melon
Soon O. Park and Kevin M. Crosby
Subtropical Plant Sci. J. 56:10-15.
Identification of QTL Affecting Vitamin C in Melon
J.W. Sinclair, S.O. Park and K.M. Crosby
Subtropical Plant Sci. J. 56:16-20
Efficacy of Metam Sodium Under Drip and Suface Spray Application in Florida Tomato Production
S.D. Nelson, D.W. Dickson, H.A. Ajwa and D.A. Sullivan
Subtropical Plant Sci. J. 56:21-25.
Light Intensity and Time of Day at Harvest Affects Ascorbic Acid Concentration and Mineral Nutrient Content and Leaf Greenness in Field-Grown Mustard GreensD.J. Makus and G. Lester
Subtropical Plant Sci. J. 56:26-32.
Identification of Differentially Expressed Genes from Poncirus trifoliata Triggered by Citrus tristeza virus Inoculation
Julio C. Hernández-Jasso, John V. da Graça and Eliezer S. Louzada
Subtropical Plant Sci. J. 56:33-38.
Effects of Insecticide Residues on Adult Boll Weevils and Immatures Developing Inside Fallen Cotton Fruit
Allen T. Showler and Andy W. Scott, Jr.
Subtropical Plant Sci. J. 56:39-43.
Evaluation of Spray Deposition on Plant Foliage with Self-Adhesive Paper Targets
Tong-Xian Liu, Phillip Stansly and James M. Conner
Glasshouse production
Subtropical Plant Sci. J. 56:44-51.
Evaluation of Artificial Lighting Sources for the Acquisiton of Color Infrared Imagery Under Glasshouse Conditions
Kenneth R. Summy, Christopher R. Little, Ruben A Mazariegos, Diana Lee Hinojosa-Kettelkamp, Jeri Carter, Shireen Youser and Robert Valdez