Subtropical Plant Science, 63:1-6.2011
Estimating Water Use by Giant Reed Along the Rio Grande Using a Large Aperature Scintillometer
Prasanna H. Gowda, John A. Goolsby, Chenghai Yang, Sukanta Basu,
Alex Racelis, and Terry A. Howell
Subtropical Plant Science, 63:7-13.2011.
Watermelon Transplanted by Chisel, Strip-Tillage and Bedding Methods Produce Similar Yield and Quality
J. Makus
Subtropical Plant Science, 63:14-22.2011.
Irrigation Method on Water Savings
and ‘Rio Red’ Grapefruit Pack-Out in South Texas
Shad D. Nelson, Mac Young, Juan M. Enciso, Steven L. Klose and Mamoudou Sétamou
Subtropical Plant Science, 63:23-35.2011
Localized Autoinoculation and Dissemination of Isaria fumosorosea for Control of the
Asian Citrus Psyllid in South Texas
Patrick J. Moran, Joseph M. Patt, H. Enrique Cabanillas, John L. Adamczyk, Mark A. Jackson,
Christopher A. Dunlap, Wayne B. Hunter, and Pasco B. Avery
Subtropical Plant Science, 63:36-44.2011
Evaluating Mustard as a Potential Companion Crop for Collards to Control the Silverleaf Whitefly,
Bemisia argentifolii (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae): Olfactometer and Outdoor Experiments
Jesusa Crisostomo Legaspi, Alvin M. Simmons, and Benjamin C. Legaspi, Jr.
Subtropical Plant Science, 63:45-53.2011
Techniques to Facilitate the Acquisition of Accurate Spectral
Measurements and Multispectral Imagery of Plant Foliage
Under Artificial Lighting Conditions
Yuridia Patricia Gandy, Ashish Mamachen, Adarsh Mamachen, Jonathan Lieman,
Michael W. Persans, Jason Parsons, Elamin Ibrahim, James H. Everitt,
Christopher R. Little and K. Rod Summy
Subtropical Plant Science, 63:54-64.2011
Effects of Leaf Excision and Sample Storage Methodson Spectral
Reflectance by Foliage of Giant Reed, Arundo donax
Rod Summy, Jonathan Lieman, Yuridia Patricia Gandy,
Arash Mamachen and Ashish Mamachen, John Goolsby and Patrick J. Moran