Subtropical Plant Sci. J. 49:1-7.
Virus-free Citrus Budwood Production and Tristeza Management Program in Texas Through Industry Partnership
Mani Skaria, Craig Kiahike, Nora Solls-Gracia, and Ray Prewett
Subtropical Plant Sci. J. 49:8-11.
Fruit Characteristics and Yield of New Okra Hybrids
Arturo Diaz-E, Alfredo S Ortegón-M. And Jesus Loera-G
Subtropical Plant Sci. J. 49:12-15.
Cilantro, Dill, and Dandelion Greens Tolerance and Weed Control with Trifluralin
J. R. Smart and R. J. Coleman
Subtropical Plant Sci. J. 49:16-21.
Winter Broccoli Performance and Nutrient Quality when Growth by Conservation Tillage
Subtropical Plant Sci. J. 49:22-29.
Events Occurring at Colletotrichum orbiculare Infection Sites on Watermelon
V. M. Russo, B. M. Russo and B. Cartwright
Subtropical Plant Sci. J. 49:30-33.
Weed Control Studies on Selected Vegetable Crops in South Texas
Lynn Brandenberger, Bob Wiedenfeld and Brad Menton
Subtropical Plant Sci. J. 49:34-41.
Pink Root of Muskmelon and Watennelon Caused by Phoma terrestris
B. D. Bruton, C. L. Biles and J. A, Duthie
Subtropical Plant Sci. J. 49:42-45.
Macrophomina phaseolina resistance, adaptation and stability of different sesame genotypes in Tamaulipas, Mexico
Jorge Elizondo-Barron
Subtropical Plant Sci. J. 49:46-49.
Evaluation of New Tools for Determining Crop Nitrogen Status and Availability
Bob Wiedenfeld
Subtropical Plant Sci. J. 49:50-52.
Antibiotic Treatment of a Nosema sp. (Protozoa: Microsporida) Infecting the Ovaries of a Parasitic Encarsia Wasp (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae)
Russell Sheetz, John Goolsby and Tadeusz Poprawski
Subtropical Plant Sci. J. 49:53-64.
Mexican Rice Borer, Ecreuma loftini (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas: Its History and Control
Jesusa C. Legaspi, Benjamin C Legaspi, Jr., Edgar 0. King, and Robert Saldana
Subtropical Plant Sci. J. 49:65-70.
Management of Citrus Leafminer in Texas: Chemical Options
J. Victor French, Jesusa Legaspi, Santiago Villarreal, and Robert Saldafla